Thursday, 1 May 2014

Flash Test

To create this animation, I firstly downloaded 7 clips of the man, each in a different body position, preparing to jump and jumping etc. I then imported these onto Flash. I dragged the first image onto my blank document and positioned it where i wanted. I used the 'Onion Skin' tool, this is so that when i put the next image on the same document, i could still see a faint outline of the first image. Before i put the second image on, i clicked on the second frame, pressing ctrl while i clicked then used 'Insert blank keyframe' and put the second image on. I repeated this 7 times until i had all the images on the page and in the right order. When I had created this, the image was really fast so i reduced the frame per second as well as i ctrl and clicked on each frame and clicked 'insert frame'. After this was done, I created a circular ball on the document, I moved this to my library and created a new layer. I put the ball back onto the second layer and moved it off the page, I then clicked 'create motion tween' and moved the ball to the opposite side of the page. This created an animation of the man jumping over the ball.

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