Thursday, 15 May 2014

Animation Product Idea


The inspiration for our project is the World Cup 2014 in Rio, and we're going to tell a story with a girl with an aspiration to be a football player, and she has to watch other guys play it outside whilst she's inside and sitting an exam that she doesn't want to do.

How are you going to do this?

We're going to do this by recording film clips for out two minute sequence, for example of Katie dribbling the ball and scoring a goal, and upload them as layers on Photoshop so we can rotoscope them and create loads of short, animation gifs that we can put together of Premiere Pro. Also, we're going to add a cloud effect for when Katie falls asleep and begins dreaming of playing football, which we'll create on After Effects. When we cut together the final animation we will add filters, sound, and a voice over on Premiere Pro too. Overall the animation is expected to be about two minutes long.

Rotscope Test (Concept Art)

This was an experiment for rotoscoping, I wanted to make it most detailed as an experiment however my final video won't be as detailed as this.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Rotoscope Inspiration

This is a rotoscoped animation of a football match, all players are very sketchy however Gareth Bale is detailed to show he is the one to focus one. This is the sort of thing we will use for the imagination part.

This is where our idea of going into an imagination come from, the film 'all stars' when Jaden is doing an exam and he falls into a day dream of this.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Animation Planning

1) Form (what are you making): Rotoscope of football footage filmed by myself.

2) Animation type: I will create the rotoscope on photoshop. The footage will be on premier pro and after effects will be used to do the day dreaming bit.

3) Selection of genre of style: Abstract animation short - sports based.

4) Storyline: The story will begin with myself sat in an exam that is not really any interest to me, as i begin the exam i notice boys playing football outside and begin to feel a bit jealous, i then look down at my bag where i have my football/trainers, i soon drift off into a daydream which will be rotoscoped of me playing football against all of the boys and i beat them all. I then drift back into reality where the exam is finished.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Planning for Animation

1) Inspiration - Our inspiration for our idea has come from the film 'All Stars' this is because there is a part where Jaden is in an exam and he begins to drift off, he then goes into this Paper Samurai world where he dances and defeats the samurai's.

2) How are you going to do this - We are going to do this by recording myself doing an exam, then myself looking outside with people playing football, then i look down at my bag, then using after effects to show me drifting off, in the 'dream' i will be playing football with a group of people and beating them all, this will all be rotoscoped in photoshop.

3) Who with - Maia Creed

4) What is it going to look like - Rotoscoped footage of me defeating a load of boys at football.

5) Structure - It will begin with myself sat in a classroom about to begin and exam, as i sit through a bit of it, i notice boys playing football outside, i then look down at my bag with a football/trainers in it. I then drift into a dream of me playing football with the boys and I'm beat them all, in this dream it will be rotoscope and my person will be detailed and the others will be a bit scribbly. I then wake up and its the end of the test.

6) Form - Rotoscope of football footage

7) Animation type - A mix between a detailed and sketchy rotoscope on Photoshop and occasionally After Effects.

8) Genre Style - Abstract animation short - sports/football based

9) Storyline - The story will begin with Katie sat in an exam which is not really of any interest to her. As she begins the exam she notices boys playing football outside and begins to feel a bit jealous so she looks down at her bag where a football and her trainers are. She then drifts off into a dream which she imagines herself playing football against the boys and beating them all. She drifts back when the exam is finished.

Chick Animation

I firstly downloaded a the picture of the chick, once I had done this I uploaded it onto to Photoshop. When it was on photoshop I unlocked the layer, and used the magic wand tool to cut out the background around the chick so it was transparent. On the original picture of the chick there was an unnecessary back leg which wasn't needed so I used the eraser tool to get rid of it. I then needed to separate all the different parts of the chick that I wanted to move. I did this by using the lasso tool and starting with the wing, went around the wing, i then right clicked the wing and clicked 'Layer via Cut' this made a new layer with the wing in and the original layer didn't have it. As I had deleted the wing it meant there was an empty place were the wing was so I used the 'Clone Stamp' tool to fill it in with the same colour fur. I repeated these steps for the eye and leg. When it came to the beak, I did these steps with just the bottom half of the beak. I also did this for the head to allow it to move, i had to smooth out the fur with the clone stamp after so that it looked neater. Once I done this I imported all the layers into After effects. On after effects i used the parent tool to join the eyes and beak to the head, and the wing, head and leg to the body. I then used the anchor point tool for the body parts. To get the chick to move about I had to click each layer and press R so i could get the rotation, i rotated various parts to move and then used the 'position' key frames to get it to give a flying effect.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Flash Test

To create this animation, I firstly downloaded 7 clips of the man, each in a different body position, preparing to jump and jumping etc. I then imported these onto Flash. I dragged the first image onto my blank document and positioned it where i wanted. I used the 'Onion Skin' tool, this is so that when i put the next image on the same document, i could still see a faint outline of the first image. Before i put the second image on, i clicked on the second frame, pressing ctrl while i clicked then used 'Insert blank keyframe' and put the second image on. I repeated this 7 times until i had all the images on the page and in the right order. When I had created this, the image was really fast so i reduced the frame per second as well as i ctrl and clicked on each frame and clicked 'insert frame'. After this was done, I created a circular ball on the document, I moved this to my library and created a new layer. I put the ball back onto the second layer and moved it off the page, I then clicked 'create motion tween' and moved the ball to the opposite side of the page. This created an animation of the man jumping over the ball.