Monday, 28 April 2014

Current Trends


2)  I feel like my animation will fit into the marketplace because it is very simple, which the way its styled being quite based 2D animation, making it easy for children to understand, nothing too complex. It's also teaching a life lesson in the sense that you don't steal or upset others without getting into trouble because Audrey is often hurting or getting Steve into trouble. The type of characters are very misleading, this could be hard for children to get the gist of but it'll fit well for children especially as it's quite different because of how the characters are represented. Its animation style is very similar to Peppa Pig as of how basic the animation will be, although it'll still be a bit better. The narrative is going to be relatively simple so that it can be understood easily by the target audience, avoiding any confusion.

3) The channel I think mine would be most appropriate for is Cartoon Network because it has a wide variety of cartoons of similar genre type. It'll fit to the age audience that watches that channel. I feel that 4.00pm will be a good time for it to broadcast because it is after school when children are usually at home to watch TV.

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