This is how I animated the project. I use a small Wacom tablet and a Macbook Pro, and I rotoscoped the film clips on Photoshop, one frame at a time. This is a suitable set-up for creating the animation because it's easy to sit at a desk and rotoshopp with the Wacom tablet and you can see what I'm animating in front of me and the mouse is in easy access to change frames and zoom in and out.
- Go onto Photoshop
- File - Import - Video Frames to Layers
- Choose a video clip to animate and cut down the clip to make sure you don't animate hundreds of frames (around 16 FPS)
- Make a new frame above every film clip frame on the right hand side, and this is what you will draw on to trace the film clip below, making an animated version of the film clip once this has been done for all the frames.
- Using the Wacom tablet, draw over each film clip with your brush tool, making sure you don't draw straight onto the film clip because you'll need to hide that later.
- Once you've drawn each frame, click on the eye of each film clip frame, leaving only your rotoscoped frames
- Add in a background for each clip by changing the background colour.
- Change each frame to 0.08 seconds and play your animation to see if its fast/slow enough and adjust accordingly.
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